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--- Das Soloprojekt von Ralf Kölsche: Die Stadtbahn U79 4.0 - Infos hier im Forum ---
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Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten
und wurde 677 mal aufgerufen
 Der Wupper Express
Richard Offline

Beiträge: 2

27.01.2006 19:40
Sigcfg.dat Antworten

Hello, I will keep this topic in english, as my german is bad

After I installed the update for WE10, it failed to find the sigcfg.dat file, which means I cannot make activities and such, it will crash in the activity editor
however, it does work in the trainsim as it should do.
can anyone help me?

Greeting from Holland..

Ecky Offline

Beiträge: 41

27.01.2006 23:31
#2 RE: Sigcfg.dat Antworten
Greetings Richard,

i´m not quite sure wether or not there is still a sigcfg.dat in my installation of the MSTS and the WE10 after the update.( I´m at work at the moment but as soon i am back i´ll let you know exactly)But i already was able to open the activity editor, so yes there should still be a sigcfg.dat



Ecky Offline

Beiträge: 41

28.01.2006 16:17
#3 RE: Sigcfg.dat Antworten
Greetings Richard again,

there is of course a sigcfg.dat, perhaps you should reinstall the WE10 and disable your Antivirus for the time the installation needs. Some Antivirus Programs had reviewed parts of an installation of an MSTS Add On, as a virus.



Richard Offline

Beiträge: 2

28.01.2006 23:06
#4 RE: Sigcfg.dat Antworten

Hi Ecky,

Thanks for your answers, unfortunately it did not work
After the reinstallation with disabled virusscanner, which I did twice, I asked several people if they could send me their sigcfg.dat files, and it still crashed
does anyone have more suggestions? or things I should do?


johntuf Offline

Beiträge: 15

29.01.2006 00:23
#5 RE: Sigcfg.dat Antworten
Hallo Richard,

Als je me je emailadres geeft dan kan ik je dat bestandje wel even mailen, is maar 35 kb groot, dan hoef je het niet helemaal opnieuw te downloaden. Misschien dat het helpt als je het erin zet.


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